Happy new year! Can we still say that in mid-January? If you’re anything like us, 2023 started off with a to-do list that was already a mile long (full disclosure: that’s why this newsletter is late getting out!). Between work and family, we’re all pressed for time, so we’re always looking for ways to do things better, faster, and smarter—both at CWP and on behalf of our clients.

With all the content that brands are needing to publish across different platforms these days, it pays to be efficient. Enter ChatGPT, a new artificial intelligence tool that’s taken the Internet by storm since launching late last year. People across the age spectrum are used to communicating with text and chat features, so this new tool is an easy way for users of all ages to connect. Time will tell how it will best be used, but we can see its potential as a timesaver.

Don’t get us wrong—there are definite limitations to ChatGPT and it’s causing controversy in at least the education industry. ChatGPT can’t mimic your authentic voice, nor does it protect against plagiarism, safeguard accuracy, endorse perfect grammar, or allow for fact-checking. But if you’re looking to write a quick caption for a social media post, or need help crafting an email, this could give you a head start. It’s then up to you to fix and finesse. Time is money, so savvy shortcuts can mean real dollars.

ChatGPT is a language model of the future that’s taking shape as we speak, but don’t fret—it can’t replace the human brain (at least not yet). So while the bot can spit it out, we still get to have the last word.

Two human brains are better than one—let’s chat about collaborating for a brand redo this new year.