
Serious where it counts.
Playful in getting it done.

What we do
Design opportunities for connection.

Increasing age diversity means organizations must bridge generational divides in order to remain relevant. By focusing on mindset over maturity, we design around the common thread between your history and your horizon in order to reach multiple generations at once. Because unless you embrace changing forward, your brand will fall behind.

Meet the Crew
CWP Core Values

Authenticity Matters.

In every engagement, we ask our clients to show up to the table authentically—and we do the same. We practice what we preach and present our true selves in everything we do. An authentic relationship makes for an authentic brand experience—not contrived. Keeping it real is how connection happens and loyalty is built. +

Excellence and Ease.

We’re all about having fun while we work, but not at the expense of the end product. Striking the right balance is key. We’re playful yet professional, bringing a high degree of expertise, attention to detail, and experience to every project. And while we’re agile and easy to work with, we never discount quality. +

Amigos Not Egos.

We’re not here to promote our own agenda, but to do what’s best by the client. We’re a professional partner, not a vendor—intersecting the client’s business knowledge with our design expertise is where we find the sweet spot. It’s a give and take collaborative experience (with some friendly banter along the way). +

Strategy Supports Success.

We could throw darts at the wall with our eyes closed and see what sticks, or we could do our homework. We choose the latter. Doing the up-front work to “Know the Client” is not just an exercise—it’s a critical part of the process. It helps us get inside your head so our solutions are informed and inspired on your behalf. +

Thirst for Knowledge.

Being open to learning and constantly refining ourselves is how we do better, for ourselves and our clients. We don’t—and won’t—rest on our laurels. Helping our clients get to the next level depends on us up-leveling, too. +

Thoughtful Inclusion.

Accessibility is a big deal to us—we want to make sure our work products have the potential to reach anyone. Our process also demands that we truly listen and involve everyone around the table. Our work is fundamentally about creating connection, and inclusivity is at the heart of that effort. +

In Good Company

Who We’ve Worked With
Who We’ve Worked With
children crisis
children crisis