When you’re too close to something, it can be hard to think differently– or objectively– about the subject matter.  That’s how we felt when trying to rebrand ourselves.  Plain and simple, we were stuck.  We were so fortunate to work with Anna Marx Consulting, who helped us step outside of ourselves to gain perspective and direction.  With her guidance, we saw beyond our blind spots and were able to move from analysis paralysis toward strategic execution.

I was in a meeting with the founder and principal, Corey. Her excitement was palpable through the computer screen as she described to me a niche that she was ready to focus her studio around: building brands that would bridge generations. She was “jazzed,” she told me, about brands that would reach Boomers and Gen Z.

There was just one issue. Corey didn’t have time to rebrand her company. She was too busy working on her very full client load as it was.

Read more about our transformation from Anna’s account.


Anna has been partnering with executives and business owners for over ten years to make companies and projects run smoothly. She is a data nerd who gets a kick out of spreadsheets, surveys, and budgets. Her biggest pet peeve is inefficient systems (really!) and she loves making things work smoother, faster, and easier.

From selecting the right database to automating communications to smoothing out the client management cycle, she loves nothing more than eliminating extra steps and wasted time. Anna especially prides herself on being a thought partner — asking good questions up front and using backwards design for project planning. Anna is a parent, executive, and proud introvert.

Contact Anna: [email protected] 
Website: www.annamarxconsulting.com